How to Throw a Fun and Safe Backyard BBQ
Central PA and backyard BBQs go hand-in-hand like peanut butter and jelly! What summer is complete without being able to spend time with family and friends enjoying the best BBQ of your life while soaking up the warmest weather of the year? Just make sure that, the next time you host one of these popular get-togethers, you’re ready to have safe fun.
Why Your Business Should Switch to EMV Chip Technology
Has your organization started processing credit card requests with EMV chip technology? If not, you probably will want to consider an upgrade on your credit card acceptance system soon. EMV, which stands for Europay-MasterCard-VISA, technology is sweeping America, and it’s taking a bite out of the huge problem of credit card fraud. So what does that mean for your company? In a nutshell, using a credit card chip reader can help reduce your liability and bring down the soaring costs of doing business.
Tips To Protect Your Home While on Vacation
With summer just around the corner, you’re probably starting to think about upcoming trips and adventures that you plan to take. June through early September are huge travel months for people in central Pennsylvania, and that means they are likely to be away from their residences for periods of time.
Funniest Car Insurance Claims EVER!
Having to file an auto insurance claim may not sound like a funny experience, but some of the car insurance claims are honestly hilarious. Check out these 10 funny insurance claims, each pulled from actual records. Keep in mind that they are true, even though they sound pretty unbelievable.
Better Health, Lower Life Insurance Premiums
No one wants to pay more than is absolutely necessary on anything, but not everything is changeable. Fortunately, you don’t have to keep wondering how to lower your life insurance premium. Even if you have already received one quote, there are a few steps you can take to lead toward paying less per month for the same amount of coverage. You might be surprised by some of the following lifestyle changes that can turn into serious savings when it comes to your life insurance.
Tips for a Safe and Enjoyable Holiday
When summer begins to wane, it’s easy to reflect on holidays as warm, cozy respites — time to relax with your family, to strengthen the ties that bind, to make the most of your days. Just when you think it’s safe to enjoy the eggnog, there’s something lurking around the corner, in the dark, a danger unlike any other: the danger of the holidays.