Does My Auto Insurance Cover Rental Cars?
Even if you own a vehicle, you might need to someday rent one. For instance, if you fly somewhere for vacation and want to explore by car, you will probably want a rental. Or, you could possibly require a rental car if your vehicle has to be out of service for several days. You might also need a rental car if you have been in a car crash and totaled your own vehicle.
Your Comprehensive Home Inventory Checklist
Have you ever stumbled across a personal possession in your house or apartment you forgot you owned? It happens all the time to homeowners and renters. But what would happen in the event of a fire or other catastrophic loss? You would not receive reimbursement for the item because you would neglect to list it when you submitted a homeowners’ insurance claim.
How to Avoid Hitting a Deer
Every Pennsylvanian knows that deer dart into traffic without warning, especially during autumn. While it can sometimes be impossible to avoid hitting one, you can follow a few tips to help minimize the likelihood of it happening.
Everything You Need to Know Before Purchasing a Life Insurance Policy
Life insurance can sometimes be a topic that is difficult to discuss or think about, but it is a smart decision to have a plan in place for your loved ones after you’re gone. Securing the financial future for your loved ones can give you great peace of mind, knowing your family won’t be burdened financially after you’re gone. It can be hard to know where to start with life insurance, with so many options out there. Consider this your guide to life insurance, offering up the basics on everything you need to know about life insurance policies and how to choose the right options for you and your family.
Why You Should Get Roadside Assistance in Your Car Insurance Policy
If you drive long enough, you will probably experience one of the most frustrating of all experiences: a sudden breakdown. Perhaps your engine overheats, and you have to pull over on a dusty rural road. Maybe you hear a loud banging noise from under the hood, so you stop along the side of the highway.
Driver Safety: How to Drive in the Rain
Rain might be good for the flowers and grass, but it can be a definite hazard for drivers. For that reason, every driver needs to learn how to drive safely in the rain. After all, wet conditions can lead to hydroplaning, which is a common cause of accidents.
5 Tax Deductible Home Improvements You Can Make This Year
Not that you need an excuse for finally tackling your most pressing home improvement projects, but how about getting a break from Uncle Sam?
How to Pass Your Driver’s Test in Pennsylvania
Most teens and young people without driver’s licenses in Pennsylvania will eventually want to be able to operate a motor vehicle legally. In fact, passing a driver’s test in Pennsylvania is a rite of passage among many high school students! So how do you help your child prepare for their driving test?
10 Fun Family Activities to Do This Summer
Everyone needs a little fun in their life, and summer provides the perfect opportunity for families to make unique memories.
The 50 Most Common Homeowners Insurance Questions
Your home is likely the most significant investment you’ll make in your lifetime, and you can’t underestimate the importance of dependable home insurance. When you start shopping for a policy, the multitude of options can feel confusing or downright overwhelming. You might have many questions, which will affect the policy you choose and how you feel about it. These top 50 most common home insurance questions and their answers should help your search get started.